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Happy May everyone! I meant to post this yesterday on actual May Day, but due to all the shit below, well.... now it's Taco Tuesday!

This is just a heads up that life here at home has been turned on its ear recently. 

At the beginning of last week, we started having some water from the kitchen backing up into the sink in the garage. After several days of the plumber poking around and clearing all the lines in that part of the house, it was found that the gray line going from our kitchen/washing room area to the main line out to the septic was full of roots and broken in like three areas. 

So that took up the entirety of last week. At least we got a break over the weekend and were able to keep our plans with some friends so it wasn't a total loss.

Now the plumbers are back and tearing up our living room and into Sandra's bedroom closet with -jackhammers- today, after we had to spend all of yesterday moving parts of our house around. We can't exactly leave as we have the pets, and work to do, so we're having to wear earplugs while doing what we can. 

To say this has been disruptive is a major understatement.

So I -was- in the middle of getting everyone's backlog of rewards out to them, and was probably about 2/3rds finished with that when this shit started up. We have limited room in the garage now, which also serves as our production and shipping area, so the rest of the packages will be delayed. 

That said, if you have not gotten your rewards yet, my sincere apologies. You are probably one of the ones still on the list. You have not been forgotten, and I beg for your continued patience!

Thankfully this plumbing BS should be fixed by this weekend (please, God, have mercy) and I can take a shower and do some laundry, then get back to what I was doing. 

Art wise I -was- starting on my next commission for Dina, but until this plumbing job is over with art is likely not going to happen. This means the coloring page will be delayed again as well.

ANYhoo, Sandra and I will get through this and then it will be done. Until then we will go get tacos and watch the final season of Picard and Namaste our way through this BS.

I hope you all had a good weekend, and are looking forward to the wonderful month of May!




I hope for fast fixes! And I hope you enjoy your taco Tuesday! I still have yet to have one lol no rush on getting things out. Life here has been the same. Just finding a job has been a hassle for me.

Rialla Sheng

Aw hell, I'm sorry to hear that is happening! I'm glad that you didn't have one of the lines burst or have the floor / ceiling / walls damaged or worse had personal items / items for sale damaged!! I hope everything is sorted quickly and with little to no issue! Sending you the best wishes! ^^