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Just curious, would you guys be interested in something like Discord or Discourse?

Discord is a live chat program that I could use to host exclusive live chats with you guys. I'm still not 100% certain how the thing works (damn I'm old) but I'd be willing to offer that as a perk if you are interested. 

Discourse is a discussion platform, something like a forum, that would be for Patrons only, where we could discuss anything and everything. I would have it available for all tiers. Would that be something you would be interested in?

Just trying to gauge your interest in what might be some other fun things I could offer here :)



Discord could be nice to share art and ideas with each other

John Doe Studios

Oooo yesss. My other patron I am on has a discord platform and it is very nice. U have different channels for different things. And it is very easy to use.

Hannah Davis

I will say that the two lead very different directions. Discord is great for people who are particularly active, especially daily, in chatting, allows separate chat rooms, etc. But, unless it is regularly active most folks forget to check in to see what's going on even if you post the latest on patreon about a chat being set up. Forums are best for situations that are weekly, but the information is easier to keep up with.


Thanks boo <3 I might do both, but since Discourxe wants like $100 goddamned dollars a month...no. I'll have to figure something else out for that.