Update, Because I Miss You Guys! (Patreon)
Hello all! ❤
Just wanted to pop in with nothing really new at the moment. Sorry to those I may have annoyed with a post that isn't very substantial. But it's been a while and I just wanted to come in and say how much I appreciate all of you! You all mean so much to me and I'm honored to have all of your love and support through this journey of mine. You're all making my dreams a reality and I'm so glad to have you all subbed and ready for all that's coming next! 💞
Like I said, not much new to report. Still working on commissions. Still balancing the release of the official Trapped in the Featherlands novel. Thank you to all those who voted in the last poll. I still don't know if I'll upload the Pokemon campaign story here or maybe save that for another channel entirely as to not take up non-fetish focus. I just wanted to get your opinion on all that, so thank you for participating.
I just wanted to say hi and remind you all how much I love and appreciate you! I uploaded with this a preview of the newest RedBubble design that I'll be debuting later on DA, despite the fact that it is already available on my RedBubble here https://www.redbubble.com/people/Featherscape/shop?asc=u
The last RedBubble design I made didn't work out so well, so I put one together on the fly because it's been so long. I hope you all like it!
Thank you all so much again! You're all amazing and I love each and every one of you!
Love and Tickles!
-FS ❤