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We had two awesome people put in for a sketch this month. i'm still waiting to hear back from our second person, but in the meantime, I wanted to make sure I got a sketch up for you all to see. 

So I was thinking I'd go for the obvious tg take on Shazam. Since the largest Marvel movie ever came out, so I opted to sketch Shazam. Boy, do I know how to take advantage of a trend.  



Martin Lock

The only "man in female body" superhero I can think of is Mantra, from the "Ultraverse" line... a Wikipedia page is up, I see.


I think there are a couple more out there. Youngblood on Image did a whole event making ALL the men into women, but not all of the changed back to being men. Also Sturkwurk has a whole world of superheroes in his TGComics work. There is at least one that is a man in a woman's body.