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tl;dr - The flooding hasn't slowed down my posting; I'm working on the Emi/Nobuko threesome.

Flooding update

A lot of my city, including many of the streets surrounding mine, went underwater, but I still got all my posts in on time and a new game release out. Now that's good service from a Patreon creator, am I right?

The biggest problem for me is that some relatives have had their home go under, so that's a strain on everyone. It's also been a bit hard to get food in like normal, as the surrounding regions that supply us with food have also been inundated and now the supermarket shelves are completely bare of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and milk.

This week's images

Here's images from the upcoming Emi + Nobuko scene! They're in 4K, so click for the big versions.

The first one probably speaks for itself; the second is for a conversation screen, but I thought it just turned out very nicely. What do you think?

I've also included two more pages of the PAL comic, Pervert Action: Server for $12 patrons! Looks like Kim is set to be disappointed. Remember, these are just a sample and I won't be posting them for this tier forever, but if you're looking for the latest new page it's here.

Emi/Nobuko scenes

For the first time in a few months I'm not way ahead of schedule on this month's updates. I still need to finish up a number of things on the Emi/Nobuko scenes, basically because this will be a huge update.

I'm still polishing up the writing, the programming isn't finished and I'm waiting on some voice acting to finish it up, too. I'm not worried, though, because it's definitely an achievable work load this month.

I also have a fair bit of material set aside for the next couple of months, so those updates should come together pretty easily.

What do you think of the images? Are you keen for the Emi/Nobuko threesome? Let me know in the comments below!




Saw the pictures of the flood on the news. In PAL, Kenji was also cut off by flood waters! You have a mansion and some maids? But seriously, stay safe!


Thank you! Fortunately things are starting to get back to normal now. A lot of clean up to do, but assuming it doesn't flood again things should be okay.

Frank Kuschmann

Was there really an intercourse between Masami and Kenji in P.A.L. like you show us here? I hope for you too you will be safed from another flood for a long time again. Does you get some days free from your employer at least?


Yes, there's a romance path with each of the ladies in PAL, including Masami, and she's part of the harem ending. This specific scene is a new one, though, not a retelling of the game. Fortunately things seem to be getting back to normal here, just a lot of clean up everyone has to do after the floods. And as for my employer - that's my patrons, more or less! I do have a casual side job, but I'm self-employed in that one, too, so there's no real problem with my schedule.


Emi + Nobuko would be a huge win, with or without a third.