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tl;dr - I'm working on Emi's ending scene! And I'm getting reading glasses so I can work without migraines.

Sorry for not posting an update last week; honestly, I just didn't want to bury my announcement post of the new release; I've been finding that makes a slight difference in people learning about the release. I'll have some bonus pictures in this post and in another post this week, though.

This week's images

These are from a new scene I've been working on - Emi's ending! Before anyone mentions it (because I know someone will) I know the tape wouldn't be enough to do a good job holding the egg on there. I'll address it in the text and maybe we can suspend our disbelief at the powers of sticky tape.

Otherwise I think these turned out nicely; I'd like to know what you think, too!

Emi's ending

As I mentioned I've been working this week on the Emi ending. For the one-on-one endings this time around I'm taking a slightly different approach to what I did in my previous games; I'm not really presenting these as a chance to just "pick one instead of the harem" any more and instead I'd prefer to just show you a bit of an example of how the woman and Shuji's relationships will progress in the future, so that once you get to see the harem ending I don't have to do as much work explaining how it makes sense for everyone. 

This scene has been coming together quite nicely; I actually had the idea for the convenience store scene a while back and only more recently decided it should probably just be part of the ending. There'll be two interactive phases and I've made 19 images so far, plus variations, so it should be pretty substantial. (It's probably not going to be the only new scene in the release, too.) I'm hoping to have a bunch of new Emi voice acting for it, but that will depend on whether SilkyMilk is able to record, with the lockdown circumstances getting in the way.

I've had a couple of substantial releases for you in a row and I'm hoping to keep up the pace in June!

What do you think about the pictures? Are you an Emi fan? Let me know in the comments!




Emi fan? I am fan of your art man. But ofc i have a favourite among of those three girls.. And that's .. Kimiko! yeah! and Emi ofc. I guess i have a thing for the bratty girls man. Taming them gives me more satisfaction. Anyway, i am looking forward to next update!


Hells yeah! I like her attitude ;)


Looks good!