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Here's the latest alpha of PAL! This version still doesn't include the sex scenes, but it's got a more fully implemented night service system, more graphics and voice, more plot and more rounded gameplay.

Transcripts are welcome:

Included in this game is a little request for transcripts, the same way I did with Let Me In. It's not quite as crucial as for LMI, which was completely dependent on me learning what people would type. For PAL, however, I do want to make it reactive in really interesting ways, so that while you have clear and easy instructions to give it for normal gameplay, you can experiment and get interesting reactions. For example, try kissing or feeling up Rio when she's offering you the sexual options on the first day and you'll see what I mean.

That kind of reactivity will require player feedback. As patrons you should feel no responsibility to do that, of course, but if you decide to help with that then a transcript isn't hard to make - just go into the file menu, select "Start transcript..." and send the resulting file to: bbben@gmail.com


v0.3.0, 19 Aug 2015
- Completed main night service system
- added showering and lust fantasies (mostly placeholders for now)
- added a temporary replacement for combat
- new graphics, including ones designed to pop up in daily activity
- new voice acting
- plot implemented up to day 9




downloading now cant wait to play


experienced an error in the beginning with saving during the masami bedroom scene. Got trapped in the room unable to interact with her. I'll send you a transcript soon.


Thanks, that's weird. I assume you didn't load up a save from a previous version? Old version saves will break.