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Huge progress this week! I've cracked the problems I was having making the dating system work and in the process I've learned a lot about programming in VNM. I'm confident going forward that I'll be able to make quite swift progress on coding the game in the future, but more importantly the dating system is working now! The video should give you an idea of what it's like.

Basically, there were some things that weren't working that I've fixed, but I also redesigned the gameplay to just flow better. I've pretty much been coding it all week in my game dev time. I mostly need to make content now; not that I haven't already made a lot - I have - there's a number of scenes I need to make, like the ladies waking up Shuji in the morning, which are necessary to explain what's happening.

As development progresses now, I'll be in a position to mostly just work on adding scenes to the game. I've got a huge amount planned - new characters, challenges and situations - and now I can start to roll things out.

I will note that nothing in the video is final - everything's subject to change and revision. But what do you think? Let me know in the comments or on Discord!


Timelapse dating system progress

I've made big progress with the gameplay of Timelapse!



I hope these dates have actual scenes and aren't just one liners to increase a stat.


You do unlock scenes as you progress through the game, so sometimes when you're going on a date you'll get a conversation afterward and maybe a scene that leads on from that, which will be part of the character's story. The idea is to build the stat until you get up to that level.


I never doubted you! Congratulations and I'm looking forward to what comes next.


I just think it's kind of dumb to have to go on dates to be able to unlock a date that actually has a scene. It does nothing except for making you feel like you aren't part of the world, which sucks.


I don't think you're quite picturing how it actually plays out in the game. You go on dates and sometimes you see an in-depth conversation in those dates. It wouldn't be practical to get one every time. As development goes on I plan to add some more little moments that trigger off the dates, too; I've already got a few in there. Anyway, I think once you play it you'll see what I'm going for, at least.


I mean, I will try it out. The way I understand it, though, I'll press the button for a date and then the game will be like "you had a fun date, stat +1 "without you actually seeing any part of the date and I think that's a shame, since the spending time together and learning more about a character is basically what a dating sim is.


Most of the time yes, some of the time you get a scene. There will actually be plenty of character scenes - more, I think, than most dating sims. If you're worried about not getting enough character development then you really don't need to be concerned. It's just not really structured as a classic dating sim in gameplay terms. It's much more similar in gameplay to the previous games in the Pervert Action series.


In the end it probably won't bother me too much, because so many games have these time wasting actions, I just think they don't really add anything to the game.


Well, not so much time "wasting" as "spending." Managing time as a resource is a central theme of both the gameplay and the story; but all I ask is that you judge it in context. ;)


Spending time on nothing doesn't really make me feel any better but sure, I'll wait for it. I did enjoy the the first demo you released, so I am looking forward to a more complete experience.