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Doing busy crowd scenes is actually pretty tricky; they take a lot of work and require a lot of special tricks, but I knew this one was absolutely necessary for the story. What do you think?

Timelapse progress update

Right now I'm in the middle of writing, illustrating and programming in Emi's romance story for Timelapse. There's already a large interactive scene involving her and Kumi (the girl walking behind her on the catwalk), but there's more coming in the next release too, with my plan being to add in several more scenes. I'm also intending to put in some more VA for Nobuko, and I've got some other VA batches in the works too.

I'm happy with how Emi's story is turning out right now and I hope you'll agree once you get to see it. ;)

Apart from that I'm still working hard on the technical side to get the dating gameplay up and running. It's a big task, so thanks for being patient with me!




Thanks for all your hard work