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tl;dr - I've attached nice, big, poster versions of Iku's Valentine's Day pics; I've been working on promoting (ugh, but it's necessary) Timelapse; I've been experimenting with animations; and I've been working on other stuff too, because I'm a machine, motherfuckers!

This week's image

NOTE: There are versions of these images available for download in an attached zip file, so you can get the full, uncompressed png versions in their largest size.

I know you've seen these pictures before on Valentine's Day (or at least versions of them) but I got a request for larger, "poster" versions of them like the Iku poster that I recently posted, so I decided to acquiesce to that request and actually make larger ones. Normally that's a real pain to make, as larger images like that take a very long time to render, but I wanted to try a few tricks, including some careful use of my new Gigapixel AI scaling software, and I think I got a pretty good result!

The trick I used was one I learned from a film podcast talking about how Mission Impossible 3 made its special effects convincing: they used CGI effects for the stuff you weren't looking at - the backgrounds - so when Tom Cruise was doing something dangerous it was the real Tom Cruise on a replica exploding bridge, but stuff in the background was put in by computer.

With these pictures the fluffy rug takes ages to render, normally, so what I did instead was just isolate Iku in these pictures and render her to a larger resolution, while upscaling the rest of the image with Gigapixel, then just pasting Iku over the top. There was slightly more to it than that, but that was most of the job. Let me know what you think of the results!

More promo work

Hello, new people! Thanks to the Timelapse release I've so far had a good March for new people coming in to the Patreon campaign (although, honestly, it could still be a lot better!) but it's taken a lot of work, spreading the word about the game. I'd rather not spend all my time promoting myself (and, if you're familiar with me, you know I won't be doing that for much longer if I can help it!) but there's still more to be done in getting the word out.

I've put together a draft trailer, which I'll spread around once I'm a little more confident that it's any good, and then I have to post the game on a number of web-browser sites for streaming adult games, just so that people get to see the game a little more. I really hope that Newgrounds and some of the other sites will be a good source of eyeballs. ;)


I've been happy both with the results I've got in making little animations for Timelapse and with the reception those animations have received, but I'm also at a stage of testing how far I might be able to take it. I want to put in some actual sex animations if I can, but this will be a lot of work and very challenging, so I'm still at the stage of testing what I can do and how practical it is. I've got some work in progress stuff that I'd love to show you, but it's not quite ready yet!

Other work

Whenever I get a good amount of new supporters it's really inspirational to get ambitious and work on all sorts of stuff. This week I've come up with some good ideas for the writing of parts of the game that I haven't fully planned yet; I've just jotted down a variety of cool ideas, and in particular I feel like I've got more of a handle on Shizu's story now. I've been drawing up plans, getting notes down, making some renders of images and generally (I think) being pretty productive despite the need to get all this promotional stuff done. Oh, and despite the fact that I caught another god damned cold! But I'm fighting that off surprisingly fast and I'm already barely symptomatic at all. Colds? HA! I defy you.

Did I do a good job with the Iku posters? Do you mind that I have to work for a bit on promotion of Timelapse? Let me know in the comments!






Enjoy! Why does Valentine's with Iku have to be just one day a year?