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tl;dr - The first release of my new game Pervert Action: Timelapse is planned for later this month!

I didn't make an update post last week because I wanted to leave space for the release of PAL 2.0 and I didn't think you guys would mind. This week, although I'm mostly making these updates into more of a dev log now, I just wanted to update you on what I'm up to.

This week's image

This picture is one I've shown already on Discord. I'll just be straight up with you that I don't actually have a scene in mind for this picture yet and so it's not really a spoiler to see it - I don't know what I'll use it for. I think there's an implied scene here, but if it crops up it'll be a while into development before it does. I just thought it'd be a fun thing to post. ;)

Pervert Action: Timelapse first release planned for this month

There's some new people here and I know not everyone keeps close track of all my comments, so I'll repeat myself a little here: I'm planning to give $10 patrons access this month to the first build of PAT. I mean technically I put out a teaser a while back, but that was more of an engine test; this will be version 0.1 of the game.

I don't have it quite ready yet, but I'm working on it and I have been for a while, when I've been able to set aside the time. Now that PAL 2.0 is complete and out I'm working full time on PAT. I hope you're keen to see it!

The game is built in a visual novel engine, so it's point-and-click, but I'm building a Pervert Action style of gameplay into it, with the same kind of day/night cycle, with you building stats over time. I'm also trying to make it "feel" a little more like an AIF, with you exploring the environments and examining things sometimes, as well as finding secrets and such.

Stay tuned for it! I can't 100% guarantee it'll be done this month, but I'll really try to put something out, even if it doesn't include as much as I hoped. (But I'll try hard to get it as good as possible.)

Voice casting for PAT

I'm now in the process of casting the voice roles for PAT! I'll make a proper announcement later, probably next week, but I already have Nobuko cast (I had someone in mind for her all along) and I've got some very promising auditions for other parts. This is always a difficult process, but it's going more smoothly this time than in past (offering to pay helps!), so I will be able to include at least some voice acting in the game quite soon.

One more thing - hello new people!

I know there are some new people who've joined after the release of PAL 2.0, so I just wanted to remind you we've got a very nice little group over on Discord as well - maybe come and join in?

Do you like the picture? Do you have any questions about PAT? If so, drop them in the comments below!




Trying to work out how to link your Patreon role to the Discord server? Here: <a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-</a>


Are blue shirt and hoodie man "monsters" to fight or just innocent bystanders getting an eyeful of ass?


Probably just innocent bystanders in this case. I still don't quite know what this scene will be, though. ;)


Hi BBBen :) followed the instructions, but i still cant get the roles :L