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tl;dr - I'm back from my holiday! I've made some good progress on the Nega Maids' scenes and I'm almost ready to release the Kim/Iku scene too!

This week's image

I just thought this would be a fun picture to make, so I figure I'll use it for a card. I actually don't know if it's clear what's happening here (so you can tell me) but the idea is that Kim's taking a selfie in the bathroom mirror to show off her bikini and her flash has fired off. She's looking down and doing a slight duckface because it's a selfie. Meanwhile, Hana's photobombing, since she's also in there getting ready for the beach. 

Is that all clear? I'd like to know, so tell me in the comments. Also, is the flash-bulb effect convincing, do you think? I used a fairly standard lens flare effect, so I don't know.

The camel toe effect is a method I recently developed, using smoothing modifiers and some hip morphs. It took some tweaking to get it to look right, but I think the results in the end were pretty good. Also, a rather subtle point, I guess, is Kimiko's tan lines. I went to a bit of trouble to make a Kimiko texture with tan lines several months ago, before deciding I didn't really have a use for it. She does have hip tan lines as well as on her breasts. I'm thinking they're on holiday, probably after the harem end, because why else would Kim and Hana be together on a beach trip?

I'm back!

So I've been back for a few days from my trip. Of course, the trip is so busy that to some extent I've had to take a holiday from the holiday. :) I could certainly tell you a few stories about some of the stuff I did! And I had a friend's bachelor party to go to the day after getting home, too, so returning to my schedule, with the difference in time zones and everything, is a bit weird right now. Still, I'm getting back into the swing of things and it's always kind of relaxing to get back into my regular routine after taking some time off. After all, I chose this job because I enjoy doing it! So it's not so bad to get home and sit at the comfort of my own desk to get back to work, and taking the occasional holiday is intended to help me recharge my creative batteries.

While on my holiday I actually did manage to get some work done on the Nega Maids scenes. I was actually floating along for a day on a comfortable river boat after a very strange night in the middle of nowhere, without any Internet or even much power for my phone, when I took the time to think about how I would make those scenes work. I initially didn't want to make their scenes interactive, because that means more work, but it also makes the scenes better if they're interactive and I just often get paralysed by the idea of making something that's not all that good. It's often actually easier for me to make something that requires more work if I know I'm going to be happy with the final result. I guess that's a good thing, right?

Anyway, I wrote a fair chunk of the Nega Fumi scene on the trip, and perhaps more importantly I managed to frame, in my own head, how their content is going to play out in the game.

Next PAL release

Before leaving, as I've spoken about a lot already, I mostly had the Kim/Iku scene ready for release. Just over the last couple of days I've been compiling that, and I also found that I'd left a couple of pictures unused, so I've written up another blowjob to go in the scene and I'm working on another picture so that will expand it further from the already large size of the scene. I still need to test it, then upload it, which is a bit of work but which I may be able to do over the next day or two if I focus. Almost there! I'll put it out as soon as I can, since we're already in the window of when I like to release updates.

It's good to be back! What do you think of the picture? How about the Nega Maids content and the Kim/Iku scene? Let me know in the comments!




1. If it was an actual selfie, you'd see the screen here and she'd be pointing the flash at themselves, usually from somewhat overhead instead of below, since that isn't very flattering. 2. If she's taking a picture in a mirror, you'd probably see a lot more lens flare off to the side, and if this is the kind of camera with an adjusting aperture, it would be octagonal due to the way the blades come together. On an iPhone, you'd get little green dots (google "iphone green dot"). That's assuming she'd use flash photography in a mirror at all, which seems kind of counter-intuitive for most young people at this point. 3. She's looking at the screen when taking the photo instead of at the reflection of the camera, so it looks like her eyes are closed. If you told me this was her first time trying to take a picture of herself with a cell phone and she'd never heard of selfies, I'd believe you. 4. More minor, but I would think her case would be more desaturated/darker in this image. It's practically glowing pink while also being behind a light source. Fun image, hot girls, and cute poses, but the logistics are a bit off. Sorry. :)


Oh, well... I tried. :) One thing: I did have to deliberately make it less contrasty/desaturated than was realistic because when I tried that it ruined the detail of the picture.

Hank Rillek

The picture looks great! I never get enough off all the swimsuit stuff. :P