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tl;dr - After recovering from feeling a bit sick, I made some images and did a request up that came from the new Discord server.

This week's image

Here's Iku underneath the dining table, helping her master out while he eats; at least until Masami shows up and Kenji has to play it cool. I made this as one of a series of four images that illustrate a scene I made for a request on the new Discord server.

Request on the Discord

The request I got came because I asked for a suggestion; I figured it'd be fun, after just starting up the Discord server a few days ago, to do a first-come-first-serve request idea. It took a couple of days to finish up, as it turned out, but luckily the idea was a good one so I was able to make the scene work pretty well. It's sometimes fun to outsource the some of the ideas and just make something according to someone else's plan, at least for a little bit (and at least when I keep creative control).

Don't forget, patrons automatically get access to my private patron channel as well as the public channels if you've got your Discord account and your Patreon account linked. If you're looking for the server, here you go:  https://discord.gg/nn9G3ZB 

Patreon and Discord have a partnership, so patrons are instantly added to the "patron" role and you get a nice, blue name on the server to denote your special status. :) I might do more of those requests, if patrons are interested in the server and show up there. If you're not... well, that's fine too, but I probably won't pay it as much attention. :)

Image design

I have done some writing this week, but it feels like the main thing I did this week was develop new images for the game. Some of this is because, as I mentioned previously, I was a bit sick this week; I've recovered but for the time I was weak it was easiest to just work on making pictures. They're time consuming, but not usually as demanding on my energy and brain power as writing and programming are.

I did manage to get a couple of pics done that I'd been meaning to do for a while, so that's good. I've still got a lot of work to do this month, though, so I hope to pick up the pace on the writing again and really get some stuff done in the coming weeks. I might even try to get the update this month out early just to give me more time getting the April update prepared.

Like the pic? Would you have suggested a better scene? Anything else to say that I haven't thought of? Let me know in the comments!




Kenji, being a progressive sort of master, allows the maids to eat at (or under) the same table as he does apparently.