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tl;dr - I've been working on the Kim & Fumi ending, the Rio daily sex scene and just today on a Let Me Out ending.

This week's image

Fumi and Kimiko are enjoying the secret sex room! This is from the new ending I put in this week - I probably don't need to say a whole lot more about it, do I?

Kim & Fumi ending

The largest share of my work this week went into the Kim & Fumi path + ending. Between them I've made sixteen pictures and the ending itself runs on for quite a while - I tried to keep things moving along relatively quick but it's still one of the longest endings, just because of the sheer range of possibilities. I also had some requests for content to be added to expand that scene, which stretched it out further (and I really felt I had no good reason to refuse those requests at the time, since I was in the middle of working on that scene).

I think it all turned out pretty well and I've put it in the game, so that will all be ready for the next update! I had actually planned to do the introduction of the Nega Maids this month, but I think the Kim & Fumi ending has kind of bumped them to a later update.

Bonus endings

I have a number of possible ideas for more bonus endings, but I don't really want to try to make them unless I'm finding them interesting and fun to write. As a rule, scenes tend to be weaker if I'm not particularly interested in them. The Kim & Fumi ending will be the first bonus end that's coming and the Iku & Kim ending will also be coming after their interactive threesome.

Since there have been a number of requests for some kind of NTR ending I'm considering adding one. It does require a little bit of setting up, though, since in any one run through Hiroshi can only really progress with a max of two of the maids. To build that out just a little I've written a little scene for each maid where she tries to get another passion potion if she's been given one. That way there could be a third (lesser) "corruption" path and you can spread them out over all three maids to set up enough of a pretext for the new ending. If all three maids have gone down one of the NTR paths then you could get that ending, if I put it in.

Rio sex scene

I've also done some work on the Rio daily sex scene this week. I want to finish this one up for the upcoming update. I think all the pics for it are done now, but I've still got some responses to write. It's getting reasonably close, though.

Let Me Out

I've edited and mostly illustrated one of the remaining endings for LMO, so that one's nearly ready to go. I'll just finish off this one and a second one and then I'll be posting build 0.9.0, which will be close to the final one. (I'm still planning 0.10.0 with the last two endings after that, though.)

Late update

Sorry I forgot to post this earlier. Not sure why it slipped my mind, I guess I'm just a little distracted from Patreon right now. I may be going through a cluster migraine or something, that's only manifesting in forgetfulness (it happens to me sometimes). The support numbers have been slipping so I'm less keen to look at the page right now too, so that could have been at fault.  Also, I was just really angry about an unrelated thing today, so that had me even more distracted. Don't worry, I'm still doing game work at my usual pace. 

Ummm... not sure what to ask today. Any reactions? I should be releasing quite a lot this month, does it all sound good? Let me know in the comments!




I'd imagine that could contribute. I'd find that rather rough myself, I hate the cold and certain cold-weather beverages are more or less the only thing that makes winter worth staying awake for.


Well that's when you drink summery drinks to forget how damn hot it is! =P


You already know my thoughts on the NTR scenes and how they could be implemented and look forward to them whenever you feel inspired to create them.


Great picture, looking forward to seeing that ending. And of course, I am totally on board with more NTR content as well if you should decide to add it in. Sorry to hear about the (possible) migraine, I'm all too familiar with how much they suck!


Yes, if do get the time and inspiration I'll keep those in mind. :) At the moment, of course, I'm trying to add stuff that's really efficient and enhances the game a lot without taking a lot of work on my part. Kind of lazy, I know... I probably need to hire some help some day!


Thanks, yeah. I have been feeling a bit weird - still not sure what's bringing it on. Maybe it's just that I've been off alcohol for a month (just having a dry month for good health) and my body doesn't understand. :)