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tl;dr - I've just about finished the KimIku scene for the next release, I've reworked the design of Nobuko from PAT yet again, and my holiday is about to start!

This week's image

The contest for the title of "greatest maid" is about to begin... Let battle commence! Who are you (ahem) pulling for?

This shot's obviously from the KimIku threesome scene that's coming later this month - I plan to use this as the 'base' naked image for the scene.

Finishing up the KimIku scene

Goal #1 of this week, before I leave for my holiday, has been to more or less finish the KimIku interactive scene so it'll be ready to bundle up for the PAL v1.9.0 release in April after I get back. Fortunately, I've found this one relatively easy to write. That's in part because I feel like this is an interesting character dynamic to play with between the two of them (and Kenji) and also because I'd taken down quite a few ideas for stuff to happen in the scene that made it easier for me when connecting things up and filling in the gaps.

I'll probably still have to do a little bit of work when I get back and I'll be busy for several days after my return too; the first day I get back will be a total wash and the day after that I've got a bachelor's party to go to, but I think I should be able to get everything done fairly promptly once I return.

I hope you agree with me, when you play it, that this scene turned out well. I think it's good work and really adds to the game. :)

Working on the Nobuko design (again)

If you've been watching the Discord server you would have seen that I've been editing Nobuko's (from Pervert Action: Timelapse) design again. The reason is that the character seems to really trigger very different subjective reactions in different players and I may have finally cracked the reason why. I think it was that her default outfit, combined with the lighting in some cases, created the impression that her figure was less realistic than it actually is and some people (not everyone) found it too cartoonish or uncanny. It had something to do with whether or not they really saw the real proportions, or instead saw the proportions that were implied by the shadows and the colour contrasts.

I actually have found it a little annoying when people have insisted she's way too over the top because a) she's not the most over the top character design I've done, and b) there are actually women out there with those proportions (although of course it's uncommon). But that's the thing - I think it's actually a bit of an optical illusion created by the default outfit I made for her. I like that outfit and I'm going to keep it in the game for some different scenes, but I've now made a completely different one that seems to shape her body in a completely different way, so that while her figure hasn't changed from my last revision, she doesn't create the impression that her boobs and hips are only connected by a tiny, tiny waistline.

It's kind of like the black/blue dress versus white/gold dress thing. Whether or not you like busty-figured women, I need everyone to see white/gold, not blue/black.

I'm quite happy with the new outfit, even though it creates a rather different, more mature impression of her, because it still reflects a side of her personality. Like I said, I'll just use the other outfit in different situations, since it should be pretty much fine once the initial default impression of Nobuko is already in players' minds and the lighting will be different anyway. Oh, and I've done (I think) particularly good work with making her new shirt stretch around her cleavage in a nice, convincing way, so I'm looking forward to showing that off in a future public update (or you can just go see it right now on the Discord server if you prefer).

My holiday's about to start!

As I post this (it's a scheduled post) I'm currently getting ready to fly later today. Updates will continue as usual while I'm gone - I've put together updates with some little tidbits and art previews to fill in while I'm gone. Plus, I should still have some time here and there to stay in touch with you guys through this place, email and maybe even Discord, too. I have connected my travel laptop and phone with this stuff and I should be able to get Internet a reasonable amount. It'll be like I never went anywhere! Well, not for me, I hope. Oh, and I may be a little slow to respond, so I'm sorry in advance for that. :) My holiday schedule is really busy, albeit fun.

You probably don't have an opinion on the Nobuko design since I didn't post it in the update, but do you have an opinion about anything else? What about the KimIku scene, are you looking forward to it? Like I mentioned before, who are you pulling for? Let me know in the comments!




Interesting to think of Kimiko and Iku 'throwing down' (going down?) against each other. Not sure I really have a favorite for this one, I'm just going to be enjoying the sport of it. It's interesting that you mention Nobuko's outfits, I seem to recall liking her in the one dress that you did, and actually rather liking a cowgirl style pose (sans outfit) in another picture so you probably have a point there. The latter may be more due to the facial expression and all though, which I rather liked. =D


So the big winners in this contest are the fans? :) When I show the new pics of Nobuko you'll be able to judge if I'm right, I guess. I've refined them, so the new design is ready, I just won't be posting it until I get back, of course.

Hank Rillek

Kim and Iku threesome hype! What actually happened to the Nega Maids? They never showed up. XD


Well, I haven't done their bit yet. Mostly they're just going to be bonus bosses with a few extra scenes associated with them - they won't be a huge part of the game overall. I always planned to make the expansion mostly about a wide variety of bonus stuff, not specifically focused on the Nega Maids (they were the poster girls because they make a good title/poster) but after AW left the project, and since he was doing that bit, I decided to scale back on their stuff anyway. I'll do their bit last, probably.