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tl;dr - I've been writing a lot for AotNM this week, which is coming soon. I'm also probably making some changes to my plans for the remaining AotNM work.

This week's image

This one's similar to last week's update image - it's from the new maid harassment pics. Pretty self-explanatory, I guess. :) I thought this one had the best lighting out of lot; since all of the harassment scenes have four versions I'll inevitably have a favourite out of each batch. The kitchen is most often the best one, but in this case the dining room gave better results.

PAL update taking longer than I hoped

I kind of underestimated how much work a lot of the small things I planned to add to the game would actually take to finish. I did have a lot of stuff mostly done, but many of them were stuck at a point in the writing where I just wasn't feeling very inspired. I may have to keep a few things as placeholders if I don't finish the writing in the time frame I had planned, although I'd really prefer not to do that.

A lot of the last week for me has been spent trying to write those remaining passages and work out how things should go. One strange surprise for me was to find, after I'd just finished the scene for entering Fumi's bedroom at night, that I had actually already written a shorter complete scene for that and just forgotten about it. As it's a fairly generic scene I'll be using that for the second time you enter, and my longer version for the first time (same picture either way).

And to cut to the bit you're probably most interested in, the update is coming very soon. :)

Possible change to AotNM

I believe writing for Love-Joint is just taking too much of AWFreyr's time these days for him to finish the Attack of the Nega Maids sub-plot he was planning to write. That's been slowing down my development of AotNM a little, so unless there's a massive change some time soon I'm probably going to reformulate that part of the expansion soon. I'm thinking that instead I'll make the Nega Maids less of a sub-plot and instead incorporate them into the base game a little more closely. 

A possible way I might do this is to give them some kind of introductory scene, then make them optional bosses that appear if you've beat the first ten levels of monsters in a combat location. Then if you beat them you get some sex and some nice bonuses. I haven't worked out the details yet but it would be pretty straightforward and they'd function as bonus bosses, a little like the dark aeons in Final Fantasy X, which was the original inspiration for the idea; in fact, this is close to how I was originally planning to use them.

Just to be clear, there's still plenty of new content coming. This expansion was always designed to be a broad content update with a focus on adding a lot more content that players would like to see, like the new threesome, new endings, etc. and some features that I felt would just improve it overall, like the updates to graphics and combat.

Please do let me know what you think about that, though! I'd like to hear your opinions in the comments section.



Hank Rillek

I assumed they would be bosses obviously. I was kinda hoping that you'd meet them multiple times, with them antagonizing you and the girls. To give that extra satisfaction when you finally beat them.


I hope to be able to squeeze in some extra scenes like that - it might work in between some of the combat sequences. A problem has become that the schedule in the game is becoming a little packed, so fitting them into the combat zones is probably the best idea, assuming I get the time. :)