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In honour of this new picture for Attack of the Nega Maids, which is my new favourite Iku picture, I decided to make a new header image for this page, with some of my other favourite poses from the game (with a few tweaks). I'm hoping it gives the page a more interesting and professional look. What do you think?

(Just to be clear, the poll is about the new image at the top of the front page for this patreon, with all the PAL girls in the kitchen of the mansion and my logo on the right. The poll isn't about this picture of Iku here - that may be a little confusing, sorry.)



I really do like it! The only thing that slightly bothers me is that it's not entirely sharp and it's fairly grainy. But maybe it's just my 4K resolution doing that, idk.


Yeah, I agree, that's because Patreon wants it to be a 1600x400 image (for faster loading, I guess). I suppose I could try rendering and uploading a larger resolution, though.


I've put up a higher res version now. Took ages to render but I think the website is accepting it. :)


Meh too many rocket tits


Welp, thanks for the super helpful constructive criticism there...