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tl;dr - I've been making a lot of pics for AotNM, I may be making a few changes to the plan for AotNM too and I talk below about how I'd like to try a new platform for PAT.

This week's image

If you were wondering about what Hiroshi's new requests would be, here's a bit of a hint. I'm trying to get these scenes finished because they're relatively easy to slot into the game for a new, complete feature. I just have to write up the individual scenes, make around 15 pictures, including this one (which are not small tasks, really, but I've been working on it for a little while) and then program them in.

I was a little hesitant to post this because I know the Hiroshi scenes are ones that divide people's tastes a little, so let me know how you feel about that, if you have an opinion.

AotNM pictures + writing

Most of my work this week (or six days, since the slightly late last update) has been on AotNM pictures, plus a little bit of writing to match that stuff, although not as much writing as I would like. I'm very happy with the recent images, though, and I've been tackling some commission stuff that's been waiting in line patiently for a while. Despite having done a lot of work on it I guess there's not a lot more to say about that right now, but that's okay because I want to talk about something else anyway.

Changes may be coming to the AotNM plan

I can't say too much about that yet because my plans aren't definite - I'm still planning to release an expansion and it'll include a lot of what I've already been talking about, but the stuff I've been least communicative about may wind up being more trouble than it's worth. This is motivated in part because I don't think AW will necessarily be able to stick with the project to write his stuff (not sure about that yet), and I've also got some other plans for Pervert Action: Timelapse that I will discuss briefly below. 

The biggest change that that would likely mean might be the removal of the new sub-plot, with the project focusing on new content additions that are, on their own, a little less ambitious. Stuff like the new threesome, the Hiroshi scenes, the graphical updates, etc. I'll repeat, though, that there is still an expansion for PAL coming, it's just a possible project revision. In fact, a big part of why I've not talked definitively about the features thus far is that I haven't been sure about what would prove to be the best ideas to implement.

If you have any thoughts or questions about what this means then please go ahead and ask, I'd be happy to clarify.

Coming in August

I keep juggling plans around for releases, I know, but anyway, here's what I think I can put out next month. I will probably do another update to the $10 version of LMO, as well as trying to get out a $5 release of PAL v1.1.0. This will not be a full Attack of the Nega Maids release as it won't have a lot of new content, but it'll have the first graphical update, some cheats and maybe a rebalance to some of the gameplay. There's more post-sex content coming so I want to get to the sex scenes a little quicker, plus I want the combat to be easier to fit into your schedule. I did say I'd release public updates on the $5 tier a month early, so I should stick to that, and I plan to release PAL 1.1 publicly sometime soon.

I would like to make Pervert Action: Timelapse in a different platform

It's not a deal-breaker for me, I could still make it in ADRIFT, but I'd like to try implementing a game in an engine that doesn't have a text input. The gameplay style I have in mind would still involve a lot of familiar gameplay and storytelling, as well as a focus on writing and interactivity, but I would like to try a point-and-click gameplay style for a change.

There are a few reasons for this, but one of the biggest is that I think a lot of people (not you guys, obviously!) are put off by a text input. If I'm going to expand the audience I need to be able to get to get past that initial reluctance. I'd also like to be able to have a more slick user interface, which wouldn't be all that hard if I could edit it. Also, honestly, I'd like to try it! I enjoy other types of games too.

I don't yet know that this will happen. It's going to be a demanding change if I go ahead with it. I'll need to learn some of the new platform and, the really big part, I would be looking to hire a programmer to help out. I don't want to do all of the programming myself any more; in fact I'd rather not have to do any of it. It's not my primary skill set.

So yeah, I'd like to hire a programmer and it needs to be someone who won't expect full-time money yet. It's going to be expensive and a difficult process, but the biggest challenge in all this is that I need to keep the Patreon campaign moving with regular game updates too. I don't yet know how manageable this will all be, but I think it could make a big difference if I pull it off.

So what do you think? I asked a few questions there. Any thoughts on the picture, the plans for AotNM or my ambitions for PAT? Let me know in the comments!




The images are always good, each time I remember your old works I'm surprised. Trying different platform can be a necessity, but it's a difficult step, you can attract people that play only point&click (maybe because their english is elementary) and maybe this game beta can be released each month from the beginning, but you needs to change your game's structure (but it would be the same with a rpgm game) and the months of learning could mean less patrons, I have seen Palmer having much patrons even if he used months for improving her game and I have seen authors begin to release very little, but their patrons needed months before deciding that they wasn't working well, but in those case they knew what expect from those authors (in the case of Palmer taboo themes), in your case old fans would support you in any case, but others will judge your last releases and if they like it, you are a good author so it's ok when you release a game, but if you needs months of learning this can be complicated, maybe one has liked the hiroshi's parts or the incest's kink or something other and we will wait to support until he knows if in the new game he will see some other kink he likes (or until the game is released and he can see if it's so good that kinks aren't important). I can also understand that the new work of AW with Palmer could mean little time for helping you (and I have the suspect that before him Palmer asked you if you were interested but you wanted to produce your games). It's also a bit sad to hearing that people like you or Palmer needs to try aif alternative, now i wait if also palaverous will have to quit because he make too little, but I hope not.In any case is the life and I hope to see much more of your games in the future years whichever platform you will use.


Thanks for the response. :) I think working working on the new platform approach will be a little bit of a strain on my time management, but it doesn't mean I need to totally give up on AIF. I just want to test and see what I can do. Plus I think I'll be able to carry over my game storytelling style even without a text input. Incidentally, I'll probably talk more about this next time I update but I'm thinking of doing a test project that will be relatively simple, but it'll teach me the system and I can release it as a short game for you guys. Might be a good compromise.


I think it's a good idea, you are an expert author, you have years of work, but a simpler project like your first works is not a step back, in this case it's good, personally I like game with much choices, but also a more linear game with good story is something I would like of playing, and there are several authors that do well with linear game.


Actually, while the project will be pretty simple and not very innovative, I do plan for it to be based on branching choices, so it won't be linear. At least, that's the plan. :)


Independent of the interface, using a platform with better multi-system support than ADRIFT provides (i.e. OSX) seems worthy of consideration, in my (selfish) opinion.


That's a feature I'd like to have, yeah. More cross platform support, an end to those frustrating false virus alarms and problems with non-English system languages would all be a relief.