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tl;dr - I've been re-rendering images from PAL, making a lot of images for both AotNM and LMO, I got a new external backup drive and I've changed the turn limit for LMO to 50. I'm thinking of maybe releasing an LMO update before LMO, I'd appreciate your thoughts on that!

This week's image

You might have seen a similar picture to this one in PAL, but I've changed it a bit, including what I think is a much improved lighting design. I already showed some of the graphical improvements I'm bringing to Attack of the Nega Maids - this is another example. Kimiko's scene suffered a little because it was the first one I really implemented into the game. I did a revamp of it, but it wasn't quite enough; I felt it would be best to relight and rerender a number of the images. 

I think this one looks pretty good now. Better than before, anyway, which wasn't too bad a picture but it had a number of compromises I wasn't happy about and the lighting is better just because I'm more skilled at that. It actually took me way longer than it should have to get good at Iray lighting because I was always making stuff and just learning by doing. (I got access to Iray rendering software after starting work on PAL.)

And check out that fuzzy rug! Zebras aren't even all that fuzzy, but still I went to the trouble of making sure it doesn't look like a flat jpg on the ground. Time well spent? Almost certainly not!

I set up an HDD backup

I don't know if I mentioned this already, but I've been worried about my lack of backups should anything happen to my work. I've been manually backing up to a small HDD sometimes but I wasn't happy with that. I've recently invested in a 5tb HDD and got Win10 automatically backing up my system now, so while it would be nice to have a little more cloud backup too, I'm feeling a lot better about the situation.

I've been making loads of pictures lately

I feel like that's the main part of my job right now - I'm barely a writer at all! There's just a lot of pics I need for everything, whether it's for AotNM, LMO or even for PAT my graphics card is constantly grinding out something. Oh, yeah, I do sometimes develop stuff for PAT even though it's not on my immediate release schedule, just because it will really be important in the long term to have a lot of stuff ready for that. Anyway, I've still got a lot of pictures to make but I'm plugging away to try and get through them and put them all together.

Okay, I am doing some writing too; I've been doing some writing for Attack of the Nega Maids recently. But ultimately it seems like I mostly made pictures this week.

Let Me Out

In addition to some picture design I'm quite proud of, I did some programming work on LMO. Among other things, I decided to try reducing the turn limit of the game from 100 to 50. I want to cut down on the amount of time you spend in the game trying to come up with largely irrelevant stuff and instead keep you focused on the most important topics. This required me to redo the time triggers for all of the timed events in the game, so now you'll find stuff happens faster, too.

I figure this means that getting trust and lust points in time would take up too much of the 50 turns, so I've increased some of the trust payouts. Lust is fine as it is, I think.

What will be the next release?

I've got to be honest - I know I've been saying the plan is to bring out an Attack of the Nega Maids update this month, but I have been looking at the work I have available to publish and it might wind up being a LMO update this month instead. I don't love changing plans like that, but I've got some good progress to show on LMO and I don't want to put out an AotNM update until it's got something worth checking out in it. That's not certain yet, I'm working it out as I go.

AW has been writing the 'maid harassment' scenes (as we call them) and is trying to get them done, but I've also got to program and illustrate them. I could start releasing the updates without all the pictures, of course, which I might do. I just like releasing pieces of things in relatively complete form.

Would it annoy you if I released an LMO update instead of an AotNM update this month? Or if I release AotNM content without the images being complete yet? Do you like the redone images from the base game? What about the fuzzy zebra skin?




I'm just here for the blond princess action to be honest. Never hear a complaint from me if LMO jumps the queue.


My 'vote' goes to LMO too as I feel that it would be better to release finished content rather than half-finished content :) REducing the turns to 50 and thereby condensing the game is a really good move, I think.


Thanks. :) I do think the turn limit change will improve the game, yeah. I guess we'll see when players get the chance to try it.