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Who'd've thunk that bringing alcohol to a sleepover would be a bad idea? Alex learns the hard way as she's now in a game of truth or dare with a slightly buzzed Gina, and a very different, intoxicated Kitty. Alex had brought over the essentials for a sleepover: pajamas, a toothbrush, her personal pillow, and some liquor for mixed drinks. She had made and served some for herself and her hosts, Kitty and Gina, to start the night.

But Alex had forgotten about the effect it has on Kitty, and now pays for it. Gina starts off. "Kitty, truth or-"

"DARE! Go big, or *hic*... or go home!"

"Oh okay... um.... I dare you to... finish my drink?"

In an instant, Kitty grabs Gina's glass, and chugs the whole thing, ice cubes too, and let's out a satisfied refreshed sigh! "Now you!" Kitty points at Alex, whilst poking her well endowed breasts.


"Truth or dare?"

"Truth, hehe, can't go wrong with truth." Alex doesn't want to risk what kind of dare IntoxiKitty would give her, as she backs away to avoid the ticklish pokes to her boobs.

"Hmmm..." Kitty couldn't help but eye Alex's melons as a wicked grin flashes across her flushed face. "Say... can I play with your boobs?"

"What? No, o-of course not!" Alex backs away even more before bumping into Gina.

Literally takes no time for Kitty to catch up to Alex as she holds onto her wrist. "I think someone's lying~" Wrapping her other arm around Alex's neck, she pulls up Alex's shirt to reveal mega melons. "Gina, I dare you to hold onto Alex's other arm!"

With no hesitation, Gina does the dare, gladly.

"Gina, no! You don't have to!" Alex pleads to Gina, who looks back at Alex with a twisted grin, and a manic look in her eye. "Hehe, sorry Alex, but um... rules are rules, yes?"

Phew! Finally finished with this pic! This took a while, thanks to other projects, work, and laziness.

This was a fun pic to do, involving my friend, Pan-Dulce's character, Alex. Her big boobs are always a big target for me to tickle... and it was also a fun chance to have Kitty and Gina be the dangerous ticklers they really are.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy it!
