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"You want me to do what?"

Ruth called over her good friend, Nila, and asked her to test out Ruth's invention: the McAnacuffs! No one within her vicinity was available to be a vic- errr... volunteer.

Nila is apprehensive, knowing Ruth's character. "So I'll be restrained while you're in the room? That doesn't sound like something that'll bode well with me..."

"I'll give you a cut of the profits when this sells."

Her ears perk up upon hearing Ruth's offer. Took some negotiating, but Nila settled for a 30% cut. With that taken care of, Nila got on the bed, and Ruth activated her device. Autonomous arms came out and immediately homed in and locked Nila's wrists securely.

"So? How is it?"

Ruth pulls out her notepad, and begins to write down some performance reviews, and also get feedback from Nila. It's not too tight, and pretty strong. It allows for movement and struggling, but the cuffs will always keep the victim's arms above their head, and will adjust accordingly depending on their position on the bed. Pulling and struggling don't hurt neither. The cuffs imitate the feeling of a person holding on to you, so there is give and pull. Short to say, it does a good job at what it does.

Closing her notebook, Ruth is satisfied from the performance and feedback of her invention. It gets the McAnac seal of approval!

"So... are you gonna let me go now?" Not that she's uncomfortable, but Nila is uneasy being in such a vulnerable position.

Ruth reassures her that she'll let her out. Climbing onto the bed with the remote to the cuffs, the Manic McAnac paused and just took the time to realize the circumstances. An evil smirk crosses her cheeks, and Ruth's catgirl friend's eyes widen in panic.

"You know... there is the matter of another type of test." Ruth tosses the remote to the cuffs far from Nila's reach. "Gotta make sure the cuffs can keep a struggling victim restrained, right?"

"O-Oh yeah? You do? Haha, not a problem, Ruth! Look! See?" Nila begins to struggle, hoping that will satisfy Ruth's curiosity enough before she- "Eep! H-Hey! Don't do that!" She was struggling for real now, as Ruth rolls up her small blossom top.

"If my memory's correct, and it always is, your hotspots are these nubs of yours, right?" Taking her index finger and thumb, she begins to gently tease Nila's nipples.

"PPFFFT" Nila kicks and let's out a muffled squeal. "N- no! N-Not there! P-Pffhmhmhm! It... doesn't t-tickle at all!"

“Oh really? Then you won't mind if I do this..." Ruth gradually goes from teasing to tickling, giving Nila agonizing snickers and giggles! Amused at the reactions, Ruth had to inquire, "So are you just remembering a funny joke, Nila? I want to hear what’s making you laugh~”

It didn't take long for Nila to break out into uncontrollable laughter. Now the true torture test can begin! She best hopes Ruth remembers to take notes...

This is probably the fastest I've made a pic in a while! A span of two weeks. It's also the fastest BDay pic I've made for someone... hmm... well maybe that's not true. Regardless, I'm proud of this! Of course if anyone's familiar with the ticklee, they'd know that Nila belongs to my good friend, CaraNelle

His birthday was actually this month, and I wanted to do something for him. He really likes my Ruth and his Nila together so... why not? If you all followed, you will know that this started off pretty differently...

But I thought this was pretty boring, angle wise. And I also felt like doing a little callback on our never-posted collaboration from 3 years ago...

How does it compare?

Hope I did a good job! Hope you all enjoy it! And wish CaraNelle a belated birthday!



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