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Thanks so much for your questions! <3


Simon R.

@ the person who asked about posting their music (sorry I‘m to lazy/pressed for time to go back and find out the name 😅): I know we weren’t specifically asked, but maybe this helps so what the hell… I play music myself and have struggled with letting other people hear it aswell. But in my case I hated listening to myself (be it trombone, piano or singing) on recordings. I just always thought and still think it sounds terrible and someone needs to shut me up and take away the instruments^^ But I‘ve not only been told that I sound really good when playing, but also been asked to play/sing at events by people that barely know me or don’t know me at all and thereby don’t have any incentive to lie and pretend I sound better than I do. So if in your case you think your music sounds good yourself, you have every reason to get it out there. Like Glow said you are your own harshest critic, so if you actually like it just get it out there and I‘m sure people will like it. Be it people you know or strangers. Good luck going forward and hopes this counts as encouraging 😊


'GreyMonaghan also asked...' waaaay too many questions lol 😂 I'm soooo sorry! (and smiling when you're nervous is just way too adorable ☺️)


'Everything is really dramatised' waaaait... so you're telling me that you're not actually a rebellious vampire pirate barista? 😳 You had me fooled...


I couldn't have got a better answer. Thank you so much. 🏆


Oh, and I nearly forgot - I hope that moving out goes well! You're gonna smash it!

M. Meyer

Damn it I forgot to ask questions !