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Hello everyone, hope you're doing well.

As I am going into my last semester of my current degree, I've done a lot of reflecting on the state of my content and how satisfied I am with it and suffice to say, I'm not happy.

I have not liked the standard I've been setting for myself when it comes to my content on both Youtube and Patreon and a large part of that is because I've been putting quantity over quality. 

Even though I have been improving the quality of my videos since I first started, I know that if I had more time, I could make them a lot better than they are now, but seeing as I have set a quota when it comes to audios on Patreon and you all are paying for them, I have an obligation to deliver content in a timely manner.

And here's where everyone goes "Oh Lune, are you going to change your Patreon rewards yet again, even after saying you weren't going to?!" Yes, yes I am.

I'm going to be amending the rewards for the Stars tier as soon as this post goes live. Instead of receiving 2 exclusive audios per month, from now on, patrons pledged to the Stars tier will receive early access to all Youtube audio releases. Patrons pledged to the Stars tier will still have access to all the audios that were exclusive to the tier before the change was made.

I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I want to be able to make higher quality content and in order to do that, I have to put quality over quantity. If I were a full time content creator and did not have any other obligations (school, work, etc), I would be able to shell out as much content as possible without the quality of the videos taking a nose dive, but unfortunately, that just is not the case.

I am a full time university student and I have a job outside of making videos. I want to be able to make things I'm proud of, not just mediocre content that anyone can find anywhere.

So again, apologies if I disappoint anyone, but I want to bring better content to you all. Please be patient with me.

TLDR: Stars tier rewards are being changed from 2 exclusive audios per month to early access to Youtube audio releases.

Thank you so much for reading, take care.



Do whatever you need to to make sure you are happy with your own content and not putting any excess stress onto yourself. If you feel and know this is the change you have to make then go for it. Also how the hell do you even manage your time?!?