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As I said in a post last month, I've been thinking about stopping NSFW content. With everything currently going on with VAs being exposed for producing content sexualizing minors along with me personally being uncomfortable with it, from now on, I'm no longer going to be setting a quota on the NSFW content that I do. I don't want to stop making NSFW content completely as I do enjoy doing it, but from now on, I'm only going to post it if I am comfortable with doing so at the time of recording/uploading. 

I'm morbidly disgusted at the moment and what has occurred was the final nail in the coffin for me. I'm sorry if you only pledged for NSFW content. Not to worry, I'll finish up this month's lineups for it, but in future, this is how it's going to be.

Thank you for understanding.



Im here to support whatever decision you make Lune and whatever makes you the most comfortable is the content im sure people want to hear. Keep up all the hard work im sorry the world is such a fucked up place