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With this, the sketches of the last pages are done. The next month or two I'll invest my time into getting them inked and colored.

As always, I want to thank my pal N'kosi, for bringing me his help with the grammar and also with the flat colours in the weekend's minicomics.
Hope you guys enjoy it and have a weekend half as happy as Marco's.




Let’s be honest we won’t even have 1/10 as happy as Marco’s


Great ending. But quick question- this is cheat weekend. Any chance you could have a comic or something about Marco and star having sex? Call it ‘date night’ or something. What are the odds on that?


Damn. Any particular reason?


Great ending Chad boy Marco getting the best girls to drain his cock 24/7 Still waiting on the pregnant epilogue though ☺️


The story comes to a close 😢


BRAVO, BRAVO thank you for this amazing story you have told. Dose my heart good knowing I waited for something this amazing.