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Today I tried to work in order to make up these two days without updates, but my hand isn't stopping to hurt a bit and I'm not sure if I have to let it rest some more or just reduce the amount of hours I invest into drawing until I get my arm support.
Anyway, I'll put flat colors today and work on shading and details tomorrow AND, I hope, do the lineart of page 21. I really want to have this chapter done before december ends.



Stephen Weber

You sure it's not something you should see a doctor for?


I know it has to do with the nature of my job. But you're right, should see a doctor anyway. Maybe I need an ergonomic globe to avoid an injure until I have my arm support. Drawing without anything helping my arm for so long hasn't been my wisest move.

Stephen Weber

Definitely. Don't put it off cause you don't want to put your job at risk.

Christian Herrera

Might be carpal tunnel. Can look up exercises/stretches for your wrist. Put your wrist/hand in an ice bath for a few mins throughout the day when you feel it ache. May need to get a brace/stabilizer when relaxing and resting. There's no rush with the chapter 🙏 It's gonna be worth the wait. Take all the time ya need And hope you feel much better soon 🙌🙏