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How did you end up talking your boyfriend into wearing this tonight?

Despite his earlier protests, he ends up putting it on for you anyway. You're both about to head out, but you decide to do a little test run with the new toy you bought. It turns out to be more fun than you thought--

The scenario and level of direct physical contact between the listener is different from what I normally write, but this was a fun twist to play with~

ALSO! I've been dealing with a stubborn cough all month, but getting through it!

I hope you like it! (the audio, not my cough)

Take care♥




i swear to god i almost started levitating away.


Aw, the poor guy... it sounded like he had a rough evening. Although...it also sounded like he rather enjoyed it, haha. I think after all of that, he deserved a decent meal at the restaurant. From the very beginning, he was just so sweet and endearing; my caretaker self would have fussed over him, rather than be the cause of his distress. However, I did have to hand it to the listener; they definitely knew what they wanted, and they achieved what they set out to do. I would hope that the next time they went out on a date, the speaker would get his payback. Turnabout is fair play, after all. I hope you're feeling better :) Having a persistent cough is the worst. I'm under the weather at the moment, and the cough is always the thing that lingers, unfortunately. Hopefully you've been able to rest and relax.

Missy T

The public sub is🔥 definitely do more of these please