Game 11 - Working Progress - Page 65 + 66 (Patreon)
- For this page I originally wanted this to be a two panel page, but overtime during the sketching phase I decided to work on these two panels on the same canvas. This is the original rough sketches for what I did for this page(s).
- A while later I reused a pose for the top panel to save time on making a new pose, for the bottom panel I used a 3D pose and drawn over it. Later on I added the crowd for both panels.
- Soon after I cleaned up both panels so that it would be easier for me to outline. Before I did anything else I decided to swap the panels over so it would make more sense.
- A little bit later I started outlining both panels. After finishing off the top panel I created a guide for where the light is hitting the main character. Later on I created the same guide for the bottom panel.
- Before completing both pages I added all the textures and accessories for the top and bottom panel, then I split the panels and put them on separate pages. Here's the finished results for page sixty-five.
- Here's the finished results for page sixty-six.