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Hi guys! For the next few months I am releasing content without a monthly theme. While I enjoyed doing these, I feel like after a couple of years of doing so, I lost passion for the projects themselves and they became a chore to create.

So, I've decided to (temporarily at least) go back to simply releasing content I want to: all the cute sexy little NSFW things I used to release, without a theme. Just cute. And NSFW. I hope this makes sense - you'll still get the same amount of content, just with a little more variety (hopefully) since I won't be restricted by a monthly theme.

Note: content in the preview image is some but not all of the content for January. Because of Patreon restrictions, I can't preview the NSFW stuff publicly.




ohhh those shoes have me excited. cant wait to see what you come out with!


ooh this makes me so excited, I miss the random stuff, that was always great! Especially if you have more passion for it.


I'm ok with whatever, happy to be able to afford your content again. <3


Cute and NSFW are my favorite themes! I look forward to your work!

coconuttygrey 13

Whatever makes you happy and gives you joy in their creation. I didn’t come for themes, I came cause your work is exceptional!