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A couple people have asked how to do this now, so here is a quick tutorial on getting nipple piercings (and any other accessories) to show up on Sims when they are nude (for bathing, etc).
For this to work, you will need to download scrumbumbo's Outfit Tools mod here:
Okay, let's go!

1. Here is a Sim who has her nipples pierced in her every day outfit.

Unfortunately, when she goes to bathe, her piercings vanish when she takes off her clothes, so we want to fix that.

Thankfully, the Outfit Tools mod lets us copy an outfit from another state into the nude state which means we can change what a Sim is wearing when the game needs them to be nude. 

1. After the Outfit Tools mod has been installed, first bring the cheat console up by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” at the same time.

2. We are going to change the nude outfit to copy the everyday outfit. We are basically copy-pasting from one outfit to another. To do this, type in "outfit.copy e 1 b 1" and hit enter.

Now our Sim is using the outfit in the everyday slot as the bathing outfit which means it's great, the mod works! But since we don't want the rest of the clothes to be used when bathing, we are going to go into CAS and edit the everyday slot to remove the clothes (we can put them back on later) and then copy the outfit again.

3. Bring up the cheat console again and type "testingcheats on" and hit enter, then bring it up again and type in "cas.fulleditmode" and hit enter. Now, hold "shift" and then click your Sim and choose "Modify in CAS".

4. Now we are in CAS, we can edit the everyday outfit into a suitable bathing outfit that we can copy. This can easily be done by switching clothes. If you use EVE body parts, simply chose them from the CAS top and bottom catalogue, and make any other changes until you are happy with how your Sim's bathing outfit looks.
NOTE: If you really don't want to change your everyday outfit, you can add a second everyday outfit in CAS and use that to copy to the bathing outfit - in that case you would use the cheat "outfit.copy e 2 b 1" where the 2 represents the second everyday outfit option - but to keep things simple, we will just use the first everyday outfit.

5. When you are happy with your outfit, save it and return to the game. Open up the cheat console again, and type in "outfit.copy e 1 b 1" again and hit enter.

Test to make sure your accessories are showing up correctly when bathing, etc, and if they are then you can go back into CAS and edit the everyday outfit back to how it was originally.

And that's it, really. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.




This question does not have to do with the above information (which is super helpful) my sims nipples are all blurry. They do not look like your sims at all. Do you know why this could be happening?


hi ! how do you display nipples while wearing something that shows tits?


Hello, you need to use either a custom skin has nipples, or a nipple overlay. I have overlays available as well as info on how to use them here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/79210-eve-v91-kleos-2023-07-05-update/