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Hi guys, you may have noticed some of my new posts being removed this particular month - well, it's because a black hole has apparently opened up in my computer and is eating files, specifically release files.

Generally after I upload a file here, I copy a version to my game and then delete the file, but a couple of times the files don't get uploaded correctly or a file from another post somehow gets copied onto my new posts, and the correct files also just vanish from my computer entirely somehow as well.

Soooo just letting you know that you're not crazy if you've been seeing things going missing, and also that for now on I'm working of a portable HD drive so my computer doesn't try and snack on my valuable resources.



oh man!! i hope it gets sorted and it hasn’t effected any important files. thank you for telling us :)

Taylor Lorraine

hey every thing i've downloaded is not showing up in my game is there something i'm doing wrong?