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Hi all, so as per my last post I've had some new trouble with my computer. That is, my HD blew up, erasing a large chunk of my work, personal files and data. Along with a bunch of my school stuff, a lot of EVE stuff was lost. But this has inspired me to start over and 'refresh'...sort of.

I've decided to go in a new direction with this Patreon page. I will still make clothes for EVE, but until my computer is back up and running, I won't be including Maxis versions of my creations. It takes SO LONG to make both EVE and Maxis morphs on a laptop (like...so so so long).

I'm also going to change up the tiers soon. I plan to remove the $5 tier and introduce a $3 tier. The $1 tier will remain, and you will still get downloadables each month, but more riskier NSFW things will only be available in the $3 tier. This is the same reward model that other NSFW creators have adopted for other games, and it seems to work well to stop the people who drop in, scalp everything and then delete their pledge.

Anyway, that's just a little update from me. Hope you guys had a good Halloween!



Agggh HDD death is THE WORST. I'm in the process of switching all my stuff over to SSD now, I've experienced so many hard drive failures in the last 15 years. Huge fan of your work, and I hope the best for ya!


I hope you can be back up soon until then good luck!


I personally like your Eve as bottom and Maxis as top but you never have any conversions of the in between. Though a couple of your two pieces can work. Normally I would of started off donating more but wasn't even sure if could use your clothes since a lot of them are Eve top to bottom or Maxis top to bottom


Hi, yeah, fullbody meshes were (up until this point) made either all for EVE or all for Maxis shape. The only way around that would be to make 4 versions of each creation, literally doubling how long it would take me to make anything.