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Hey everyone!

September's release will feature the first fish! The Sol'Kesh bestiary has quite a lot of aquatic creatures so it's about time the finned ones get some miniature releases, and the Larkiera is swimming in soon.

September 1st Release

The Larkiera is a predator of the rivers, with slit-pupil eyes to easily see through the vertical streams of sea grass and kelp that it slides along stealthily. The long sharp spines camouflaging it as it hunts for easy to grasp prey, Like the little unfortunate parrofish. It will be a CR1 large creature and a slashing rapier can be made from it's fin. 

September 15th Release

Next up is the Argustaur, this hulking behemoth of a lizard settles into the dry soil of the Sol'Kesh western barren lands, conserving energy before exploding into a charge at the slightest hint of prey. It's tough scales and toothed maw making for a difficult challenge at CR4 but those scales come in handy to crafty some heavy armor.

That's it for now, see you all in two days for Wayward Wednesday!



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