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  • Research if it's possible to disable certain neighborhood action plans?

  • Research if I can add MC Cheats options to add/remove sentiments.

  • Add an "Only allow custom" option to Dresser. Any outfit part that is not custom is counted as "blacklisted". Anything custom is "whitelisted". This would be an option like "Only Use Saved Outfits" so they are mutually exclusive.

  • Research adding setting options to allow players to define their own occult-specific aging settings. Settings to allow any occult type to have immortality after a certain age (like Vampires) or to age slower after a certain age (Werewolves and Mermaids) are what I'm looking to allow. This is just to give players the ability to define more specifically how they want the occult-types to age. Nothing that EA doesn't allow is being added, like male vampires won't be able to age differently than female or anything like that. It will likely replace the settings I have to turn-off immortality for vampires, though, since that will be able to be defined through this instead.



Thank you!

Neil Broome

Add slide bars with the number entries starting in the middle for 0, left to negative and right to positive.