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Good thing Luffy has a rubber stomach ( ̄▽ ̄;)

YouTube Reaction *includes intro and outro discussion*

One Piece: Live Action Master List



Imo this is probably the weakest episode out of the 8, not because of the massive changes they’ve made (the island being a shipyard) I like the change but because they didn’t really go into depth about Ussop character unlike the anime which unfortunately doesn’t really explain why he was screaming pirates are here 😅


I believe the head of the ship is base on a sheep(female counterpart to a goat). Awesome reaction as always.


yt link directs to episode 1 not 3

Griffin Backes

the butler doesn't have a devil fruit, in the one piece world people can just train themselves to be (what we would consider) superhumanly strong or fast

Daniel Peedah

moreso that in one piece there is 'martial arts' as well as another power set, no devil fruits needed

Harry Branch

Before anyone jumps down your throat for the joke, I’ll say that Oda himself is strongly opposed to any romances within the crew. It was even one of his stipulations for the live action adaptation. Of course that doesn’t stop people, and there are three extremely popular inter-crew ships but in general it’s never the show’s intention to make you think there’s any romantic interests besides one specific character you might have already met


loving these reactions! I imagine that y'all will never react to One Piece but the movies aren't canon and watching from the first to the most recent will give y'all a general idea of the scale of the world. As someone who isn't up to date with the story I love watching the movies bc it gives me a lot of insight on the power system, relationships, and overall growth of the characters outside of the series itself!


The fact that All these ships in the show were built and really work makes it 10 times better


Honestly. It reminds me so much of LOTR. Both rely heavily on practical effects, rather than going the usual route the past decade or so of using all CGI. It makes me really happy to see this lost art getting revived. Hopefully they'll continue to use mostly practical effects in season 2.