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What's going to happen now!!? \(˚☐˚”)/

Gen V Master List



Idk who told you that this isn’t needed to watch. They already said that Gen V will slowly begin bleeding into the later seasons of The Boys.


Yeah who ever told you that in had nothing to do with the boys didn't want to spoil you I guess. In the Boys Season 4 trailer you do see it how it connects to this show.


This is WHY Shetty and Butcher are partially correct. Powers should not be given to humans, specially mentally unstable people like Sam. They mentioned multiple times that Sam had brain problems way before they even started experimenting on him. That Virus is very much needed to get rid of any supe that loses control. Btw, after Homelander beamed Marie and Jordan, he probably asked Cate what was going on and told him that Marie and the other 3 were trying to stop them from killing inferior Humans which is how he knew who to blame. Point is, Shetty and Butcher are right about killing supes, just not all of them. If supes lose control nobody can stop them except that virus. The experimenting is fucked up but that was vaught’s doing, Shetty just used that opportunity to sneakily get the scientist to alter the supe controlling virus and change it into a deadly supe virus. They need a way to fight back 🤷‍♂️ whether it’s a virus, or another supe that actually has some sense of morality like Starlight or himiko(i think that was the asian girl’s name that is with frenchie).

Ja'sean Adams

Idk if u guys know but the actor for “Andre” Chance Perdomo passed away sadly

Life With Jorge

wonder what's gonna happen to Andre next season since the actor that played him died :[


The way I see it, cate truly believes she is doing the right thing. All her life up until this point, she has always only been taught that humans will hurt her, and she was shown that by humans that were closest to her. Her parents locked her in her room and never showed her love for 9 years, and she learned that she was just a product to them, and a freak. Then she thought she was being “saved” by shetty, only to find out years later that she was being used and manipulated into helping create a virus that would kill off her own kind, again being treated like a product. I think that realization truly made her believe that humans are genuinely dangerous to her, and that she can’t trust any of them because they all want the same thing from her (to use her and harm her), and it broke her. Just like shetty was hurt into believing that all supes need to go for the greater good and to protect her kind, cate was hurt into believing the same thing, just on the opposite extreme. Both sides think they’re being the hero, but everyone’s just truly messed up 🙃

Nolan L Thomas

Dawg, this episode was full mayhem and anxiety, my heart didn’t stop racing when I first watched it. I agree 1000% with your discussion about Cate and Sam. Both have straight up legitimate reasons for feeling the way they do, but they are taking things to the next level of extreme. That scene with Sam and Emma broke my heart. I think Dani is correct about Homelander having on the info before he landed on campus. Dude is a very skilled manipulator, he wouldn’t go into a situation like that without having all of his ducks in a row.

Nolan L Thomas

This episode confirms that Lady Sam is Homelander girl 🤣🤣🤣. But I understand where she was coming from, it was both cool and terrifying when he showed up. I got the chills when I heard the sound barrier being broken.


Yeah I feel bad for both Cate & Sam. They had been abandoned and then taken advantage of their whole lives. Sadly it resulted in them taking it out on the wrong people. This world is messed up and it's hard to think of a fair solution for overpowered supes :/ - Dani


Yes exactly, they were hurt so badly by a select group of humans, so now they associate every human with danger. And now that they think so highly of supes, as “saviors”, homelander is just going to be able to manipulate them alllll over again just like shetty did and they won’t even see it 🥲🥲


When I watched this, Homelander arriving felt like sukuna arriving in Shibuya. Everything basically freezes. Idk how sam was happy to see him show up when this man killed a person in broad daylight. 💀 He is unstable and unpredictable


No I hate him! But it was cool to see him just because it feels like a crossover even though it isn’t really lol -Sam

Jack SV

Just in time for the start of The Boys S4 lol


because as a character hes just interesting to watch. also having a major antagonist from the main series making the finale cameo of a side series is always hype. its like "oh shit, yall thought these kids were problems? here he comes". Just like ur example of Sukuna. He caused major catastrophe and everyone still gets hyped seeing him come out and play