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We're here for Emma the hero! ♥╣[-_-]╠♥

Gen V Master List



15:45 She highlights something important. Experiences and sorrow in life leads to knowledge, which leads to an overall perspective of all the puzzle pieces, which leads to the context for how those components function and why/how they they meld together, which leads to a meaningful big picture (exposure > perspective > context > meaning). Someone who can't recognize the nuances simply can't interpret, let alone articulate the nuances, therefore they may speak in black in white absolute terms. Marie didn't know Cate's boyfriend like she did and is doing her own overlapping thing. On the other hand realistically, there's no way Cate can actually fully disregard what she knew to be true of Luke, even if only a couple puzzle pieces, after being around him. The eye doesn't get tired of seeing, the ear of hearing, and the brain of taking in information. If information is familiar in one's worldview, one way or another, it has meaning. If it isn't, then that one has indications of not having learned from real experience or relation. This is all assuming "reaction manufacturing" isn't happening as well, but that's its own complex world story.


watching this after seeing Invincible Season 2 makes that Emma scene feel way more stressful lol