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Me and my homies hate Godolkin University  😠

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Nolan L Thomas

You just made my Monday way better 😁🤗

Dammy Oshikoya

Very excited for them to see the whole season 😏😂


Always up with the content 💯💯💯💯❤️ this show is unhinged.

Nolan L Thomas

Everyone in this show is hypocrite and kind of a jackass, including Marie. The way she treated Emma these last two episodes wasn't cool. Then trying to hangout with jer after she had a crap day, was kind of nasty. Emma can hit her with "Don't owe you anything" And it would be totally justified. Two wrongs don't make a right, Marie's circumstances over club incident were mad fucked up, but taking credit for Golden Boy situation isn't IT, and I respectfully disagree with her not owing Jordan saved her life. I don't think Marie fully grasp the essence of what a true hero is yet. But I have faith she will.

Nolan L Thomas

I feel so bad for Emma, she is a sweetheart, and she continuously gets treated like crap. Ashley is she an asshole, and I lover her for that😅😅. Can't wait to see how you gals react to how the Woods plotline unfolds. It's going to be awesome.


Yeah I feel bad for Emma too ): Also it’s fun to see anyone from The Boys making a cameo in this show ahah - Dani


31:20 It's funny, researchers have done studies, video taping the facial expressions of people who received unfair offers. Those with a general willingness to openly communicate and share inner sentiments displayed more emotional expression when responding to offers, even to being wronged. The study showed a large predictor of if someone is emotional extending themselves is if they're expressive in tone and affect. Even if they're showing dismay at being wronged. Basically, the conclusion was an unbroken poker face = red flag, if you're looking for emotional availability.


Everyone in the show is a hypocrite, including Marie. Also as for Marie “not” owing Jordan anything..really now? Really?? Jordan literally saved her life. Jordan could have just let Luke chase Marie and Marie would have died. She only made it outside because of Jordan holding Luke back so yes Marie owes Jordan A LOT 🤦‍♂️ Andre is stupid. Cate and Jordan(I didnt like Jordan when we met him though but we are definitely seeing he is much nicer than he acted originally) are the only two I like right now 🤷‍♂️


Yea the Grove place I think was a place they went to in The Boys. It’s where they met a bald head popper and the fat big dick russian supe. They were testing how well injecting compound V would work on people that arent babies. Basically anybody that is older than 10 years old probably. Looks like they captures some that escaped and moved them to underneath the university, maybe? 🤷‍♂️