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We will be releasing Gen V as a Patreon Exclusive series! That way we can catch up in a timely matter before the new season of The Boys. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Gen V Master List


Marc Senécal

Letsgoo super hyped for this one

Jack SV

Plus it would be a nightmare to edit this one since it has… well let just say a lot of explicit scenes lol


The wait is over🔥🔥🔥🙏🏾


i do love me some patreon exclusive

Kenju Storm

Why watch the next episode preview? its a bunch of spoilers

Nolan L Thomas

Gen V is pretty good and solid spinoff, for me the weakest element of it is its characters, as they are not as strong or compelling as the characters of the Boys. But this series has very interesting storylines along with some epic WTF moments. You ladies are definitely going to enjoy it👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

Nolan L Thomas

I can’t wait to see how you lovely ladies reactions as more is revealed of this series. This series is very shocking with the twist and turns. You in for one hellva ride.


First episode is wild😭


So the main character is a avater character


You uncultureds, David Caruso is one of the most iconic actors. He’s so bad, it’s always the most memorable parts of any movie he’s in


good show

Ramon Norville

Thrilled to see y'all react to this one. Keep in mind these kids are the first students at Godolkin University who know they're parents injected them with compound v. Hence "Gen V." I'm surprised none of you noticed that the "top hero candidates" did nothing to try to save the lady when Marie did.


Termite? Termite was just part of a bug company that helps get rid of bugs 😂 He didnt have to do anything to shrink and go back. We saw him just shrink without throwing up or anything