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Maybe watch this one with google images open in another tab, and then instagram for the end


617 - Lisa Frank



You buried the lede. The married last name is Green. The kids names are HUNTER and FORREST GREEN

Katra Von Diese

You'd think with what their aesthetic's like the office drug of choice would've been LSD. Also, they've apparently started making some mediocre looking unicorn sugar cookies with Pillsbury. They're nowhere near garish enough.


As a 67-yr-old in Canada, that rainbow-vomit wasn’t something I was necessarily aware of… thankfully. All I can think of is dollar-store kids birthday crap. During and after college, I worked at a number of retail businesses with varying levels egregious fucking of employees with low wages, keeping “part-time” employees from getting paid for overtime that might qualify them for full-time status, ridiculous sick-day rules (only getting paid for sick-days AFTER the first day sick so people would drag themselves in spreading whatever they had to everyone else who picked up the slack because they couldn’t function), and limiting hours at the home store and requiring employees to pull extra shifts at other stores… as long as you didn’t run up overtime hours. The last store, a big-box bookstore modelled on Barnes and Noble, was run by corporate idiots in Toronto who tried to sell books like t-shirts or pants. If black t-shirts were in, any black t-shirt would do… which doesn’t work with books. If people are looking for a specific series of books on Python, they want THAT series not some crap books the buyers bought in bulk no-return discount deals from a publisher that were crap. Corporate wanted you to push this crap on customers who knew what they wanted… didn’t fulfill special orders of the ones they wanted and then punished the department for being stuck with 300 of the crap no-return book that wouldn’t sell even when marked down to nearly free. The punishment? Cutting part-time employee hours in the departments so there weren’t enough employees to run the store. The result? Angry customers who couldn’t find a clerk taking it out on the few that were in-store. In 1998, there was a colossal ice-storm that crippled the entire Eastern Seaboard of Canada and the US... conveniently missing Toronto. Public transportation was cancelled across Ottawa for days, a state of emergency was declared. Only emergency personnel and essential workers were allowed to travel. You couldn’t get to work if you had wanted to because even walking was dangerous… Head office called the GM and ordered him to open the store. He of course explained the situation… They ordered him to open… Which was not going to happen. There was no power anywhere in the city, employees couldn’t get in even if he’d wanted them to, and there wouldn’t be customers BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T ALLOWED OUT ON THE STREETS and they wouldn’t be buying because they were more concerned with not freezing to death in their homes. What did Corporate do? When stores were able to open again, they punished the stores that didn’t open “because sales were down” and ordered that only a skeleton staff would be in the store… one manager, one cashier, and one employee per floor. The result, unanswered phones, angry customers who couldn’t get service, and low sales… which garnered more “punishment” for low sales. They were idiots who couldn’t understand the business they were in. The chain went into bankruptcy and was bought out. The new owner fired everyone in corporate. A small victory for employees they screwed. By then I had left after being attacked by a man that had stalked me for 3 1/2 years that the GM refused to kick out for harassing me…. in case the store might lose a sale or two from someone who never bought anything.