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Get your machine on



Guys? GUYS?!? I’ve listened to them all. This might be the best episode you’ve ever done. Just firing on all cylinders. I was blurt-laughing the entire time. Fine work.


Grampoppers is my new favorite Garacter.

Allison Linderkamp

I'm looking for opinions on this - would you classify Grampoppers as Gareth's old man voice? Or a separate "accent?"


Gareth was on fire this episode. Instant classic. Strongly considered pulling the car over to the side of the road for safety reasons when he was doing the Ben Franklin spirit for the first time. Luckily I wasn't driving when he dropped Robo-J.


Jesus, what just happened?? Incredible episode, so many moments. And so much to research! That was *insane* 🤣


It’s so interesting to think, if only he were a bit more selfish and interested in making tons of money, Utah might have been founded by Spearians instead of Mormons. It’s also really cool to see how people with no popular culture image of a “robot” come up with a design for one! Loved the episode! 💜


My husband is originally from AbingTon MA, which was supposed to be named AbingDon after a British earl, but someone spelled it wrong on the paperwork


Grand popper is my new grand father