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Douglas JM

The "unwilling passenger" who arrived on the St. Louis would have been a harbour pilot in whatever Irish port the ship had departed from. Large ships are often brought into port by a local pilot familiar with the area who rides out in a smaller boat to meet the ship, and vice versa when the ship leaves. In this man's case, he piloted the ship out of port into seas too rough for him to get back into his pilot boat, and ended up stuck onboard for the entire journey.

Paul Graham

Please do a dollop on the con man who got Scotty's castle built and named for him, because this looks like fun dollop material. "Walter Edward Perry Scott, also known as Death Valley Scotty, was a prospector, performer, and con man who was made famous by his many scams involving gold mining and the iconic mansion in Death Valley, known as Scotty's Castle."

Paul Graham

Re: stamps, stamps collectors get extra street cred if they have a stamp that was used and date stamped the same day it was issued.

Great Joe

"mebbe" is "maybe" with an accent


Great episode. Theres actually a Boulder City right outside Vegas in Nevada. It's where the workers for building the Hoover Dam lived. I imagine those are the partying Boulderites. I grew up there and live in Vegas now. Please send water.


The Irishman was probably saying The Devil I’ll go

Abby Meister

Was the first story referencing the man with the rubber shoes invention the origin/inspiration of the Flubber story??


We almost died when my partner guessed the year correctly while driving and screamed so hard he nearly drove off the road. Three days later, he still brings it up in awe at himself and wants to get '1932' tattooed