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I really loved this one - showing the destruction of the environment by us, via the story of one animal, premium Dollop fare. Editor.


599 - The New York Oysters - part two


Anne Momany

I spent the whole episode waiting for the terrible racism turn - it really felt like we were getting set up for a massacre of the black oyster cellar owners. How refreshing to only have the complete destruction of an ecosystem.

Kelly H

I love how the Dept of Agriculture only stepped in to do something about the horribly polluted water because rich people were getting poor quality oysters, not because horrible water pollution is just generally bad. Speaking of the evils of capitalism, these two episodes seem rife with Fosdyke merch possibilities.

Andrew Kurc

There were really excellent eps. Great jobs guys! I'm going to go cry in the shower now.


I grew up taking the ferry from Staten Island to Manhattan. The water was grey and lifeless, but I enjoyed the air and seagulls. I remember when I first spotted a cormorant on the water - an unforgettable sight! Even today, standing at the harbor’s edge across from Brooklyn my mom and I saw an egret poking around the shallows. Though NY harbor isn't as it was before Europeans came, we have gained some of what it once had. Also I don’t know why people like oysters. “Like a penny flavored snot ball” someone described it once and I agree


if you are interested in more of the natural history of NYC, what we buried and how to recover it: https://harpers.org/archive/2016/03/the-hidden-rivers-of-brooklyn/ https://youtu.be/Y3XIN6u7nYY?si=JHQy1LwvsM5cA6ww For _some_ reason (ha ha) I still think 2016 was 4 years ago I wonder if this guy is still doing this work, I’d love to help.


@35:29 Dave referring to Jose Marti as "some guy" from Cuba. Mad flex.

Adrianne Purtell

Jack’s Oyster House in Albany NY. I didn’t think of it in the first episode but remembered in the second episode. I’ve never been because it’s SUPER expensive. Now I better understand why I guess.


Is Dave trying to look like Einstein?


Listening to the gluttony of the rich in "lobster palaces" while I eat my tunafish on ritz crackers really puts a fine point on the American/human condition #eattherich


I have never EVER in my life given an oyster any kind of consideration, the concept has always been disgusting to me. I think I knew they were alive to a certain extent, but like... Hearing about the fucking gluttony and greed of human beings makes me dream of super intelligent oysters one day taking their revenge on us all. They SHOULD. God fucking damn those poor things


Tho I still like oyster sauce. Does that count as liking oysters? 🤔 Hmm..


I need to know where yall got that koozie. My husband loves Rocky to a fault

James Proulx

You should do a Dollop about that really cool practice that used to lead to medical waste washing up on shore along the Atlantic Coast.


man oh man what a ride. I can't believe how recent of history the end bits are. Like we knew we were a problem for such a long time before doing anything


This was an EPIC Dollop … But wait … the David Cross episode is lost?? I guess that’s why we haven’t gotten to hear it yet. No chance it’s recoverable?

Lyndsay Thompson

The best part is Gareth’s absolute disgust at every turn. I was really hoping Dave was gonna make him vomit.


Great episode. I work in Oyster reef restoration in Australia. We've had some pretty good success so far but the scale of loss is unfathomable. The British pretty much came to Australia and literally dynamited every oyster reef they could get at. The Swan River in Perth where I'm from was literally covered in fossilised Angasi oysters from bank to bank, many meters deep. They removed all this shell for lime and irrevocably changed the rivers hyrdology forever.