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Dave Holmes I presume? (Gareth wrote that not me the Editor).


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Its working. Just click on it and it will kick off. Its the thumbnail that is off :)

Jeremy Reel

I just got permanently banned from twitter.. I wear it with pride


My high school was the Rebels……with a colonel sanders looking dude with a cowboy hat…..

Jeni Jenkins

I swear, Dave Holmes, my dog Gorgie (named after gorgonzola--don't ask😉) did the exact same thing with me! I would just have to THINK about going somewhere and taking him, and he somehow picked up on it without me saying a word or making a move! Nobody believes me so I'm so happy to hear that you have the same kind of connection with your Finn! 🐶💜


I want Dave Holmes to read me bedtime stories


Are you sure Stacey? It’ll probably be gay porn from what I heard.


It’s hilarious that, as a final act of “fuck you, Confederates” a school for black kids was being built on this site, of all things. It’s like the only thing that would make the original owner turn over in his grave.