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Bumbling dufous gets exploited by mean authority figure. But thats enough about Gareth and Dave!!!!!!!!!


591 - Richard Jewell



Has anyone tweeted Dave yet that Randy Blythe (Lamb of God) was wearing a Dollop shirt onstage?


continually impressed by the deep bench of different hats the boys have

Jesper Ohlsson

Gay guys love two things - sucking dick, and comitting domestic terrorism by way of shrapnel-bombs. They can't get enough of either.


Hearing them rant about CNN makes me wish they'd do an episode just about it.


A+ video description

Kenny Hedges

The Eastwood film provides essentially the same account as this, with the press and the FBI being nothing but monsters. Paul Walter Hauser and Kathy Bates are absolutely fantastic.

James Proulx

The Clint Eastwood movie wasn't bad with one rather large exception. They overtly state (as opposed to them heavily implying) that a female reporter basically said to the FBI guy, "Hey, I'll fuck you for information" to which the FBI guy responded, "Okay". It caused a bit of a stir after the movie came out. The reporter died of an overdose in 2001 so Clint thought it would be cool to just make shit up about her. I was in South Carolina and Georgia in the summer of 1996 when this went down and it was (obviously) the #1 story at the time. There are a ton of Richard Jewell types in that area. Just dudes who love cops and guns and America and would be seen by the FBI as "suspicious" because they didn't get laid enough. Some of them are nice people. Many are in fact bumbling dufusses.


Every time they say Richard, I hear a scene from Tommy Boy with Chris Farley saying “Richard, what’s happening?” Cracks me up.

Mark Rayburn

Post Stroke Tom Brokaw saying precipice made my day


Garth might want to lower the phallic microphone down like Dave who is a professional. just sayin..


The only way you can tell visually that Dave is leftist is the glasses. Everything else is giving guy who voted Monster energy drink for president

Goody Gumdrop

This story always reminds me of the Gainesville, FL, murders in 1990. The police accused a guy who had nothing to do with it and he was savaged in the press. Absolutely ruined his already difficult life, at least for the moment. I don’t know what ever became of him after that. It was just the M.O. of crime investigation/reporting for a while there to seize on the first name mentioned and throw them to the lions.

Kristin Lee

I'd buy a t-shirt with "truth, justice, and murky shit" printed on it.