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Gareth sings at the end.


Mailbag 21

Gareth sings at the end.



Y'all talked about the duck pork atrocity in the live Errol Flynn ep and I'd buried that shit deep. Goddammit, Lex, that took me a lot of work to suppress THANKS DUDE. 😑


Nice to see Benji and Derry getting along

dan from south jersey

I like the young comedians getting a shot and all but can we just admit SNL has been awful for many many years

Jesper Ohlsson

JP Sears looks like a jacked scarecrow.

Anne Momany

That's me with the "Argh! I'm a pirate!" story. Can't say why, but I get vicariously embarrassed all over again every damn time someone bring it up.


I feel the question about other history podcasts has come up several times now, so if you don't mind me chiming in, here are some that I really enjoy: - The Constant: A History Of Getting Things Wrong (if you join their Patreon, you might get one of the best "eulogies" on Donald Rumsfeld ever) - Our Fake History - History Is Sexy - American Presidents: Totalus Rankium & Roman Emperors: Totalus Rankium - Rex Factor (ranking English & Scottish Kings and their consorts) - Blowback (more infuriating than funny, but very, very insightful) If it's more the debunking side of things you're looking for, you might also enjoy: - You're Wrong About - American Hysteria - Maintenance Phase - If Books Could Kill And if you enjoy fairy tales and want to know a bit more about their historical context, you might wanna try Grimm Reading. Hope you'll find something you like!


Yay! Thank you for sharing these!! The History of English podcast is pretty interesting if you’re at all interested in the history of the English language. This Podcast Will Kill You is absolutely amazing. It’s about various maladies, their history, current research, etc.

Justin Riddle

I asked about the Gallagher dollop. I also heard the Walking The Room episode with him. It was very unsettling.

Justin Riddle

Nice shout out on Mike Leigh, Dave. Kes is a beautiful movie.


Question to Gareth. Does Wales have a tradition of the black feather?


"Two white dudes talking is like white noise." 😆


We finally found something Gareth isn’t that great at 🎙😹 but I very much enjoyed Dave’s head dancing!


We did make it to Nashville (and Louisville)! Van Damme is on his death bed so Stevan Seagal does have the advantage.

Fletcher H

“These guys couldn’t sell a pint in a pub” is low key the best line in here.