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566 - Phyllis Schlafly - Video



Only recently learned that Pat Buchanan (that one) used to write for the Globe-Democrat, and now I have questions, Parents Who Paid For The Subscription.

Susan Schnur

Good old Dave. He asks how to pronounce Betty Friedan's last name, but mispronounced Schlafly throughout. LOL

Susan Schnur

What was the subject in Nashville??


Am I crazy for thinking this woman is inspiring? Just one person can make such a difference! 🤪

Kristin Lee

I'm having trouble understanding what they're saying about the cartridge thing at the beginning - to what are they all referring? (I'm pretty sure I'm caught up on the regular release episodes, but not Chollops- I don't see any sort of "previously played" info via Patreon)

Andrew Melville

Just checked out 'Conservapedia' and holy christ. https://www.conservapedia.com/Canada for a good laugh/cry. (FYI I be a Canada-person hence that) Learning lots though, didn't realize we were now a 'Leftist totalitarian dictatorship'. Serious batshit craziness.


One of the live virtual shows was a singer, so a fan brought an 8-track tape of that singer for Dave and Gareth to enjoy.


I just wanted to say thank you for being such advocates for masking. I am a single mom of two kids and the sole provider for our household. I am also immuno-compromised and more than anything, I worry about getting sick and not being able to care for my kids. It means a lot to hear you guys speaking out for those of us who are depending on masks and vaccines to keep our families safe and together. You guys are awesome and hilarious. Can't wait for the virtual show! 💜


I'm going to have to watch this in like ten sessions so that I don't have a stroke. Thank you for this, though, seriously. If I believed in Hell, I'd say that Satan is probably bummed that he has to be around her.


Another immuno compromised person thankful for the masking/vaccination requirements here

Adrianne Purtell

Thank you for putting these up for us to watch — or me to watch. I’m starting to realize that people really annoy me and I’m not sure I could ever go to a live show. Not only am I immunocompromised but I also hate when people call out or talk during the show so actually attending a live show could end up being an incredibly frustrating evening for me. I like that I can just watch the videos from home.

Kitty Maehem

Thankyou for another amazing Dollop!