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I’ve listened to this episode a great many times at this point, lately in particular because my partner’s sister is this exact type of idiot.

Thomas Cain

I cut my eyelid open at age 4. Dave youre on the the right track. I got this exact injury. Only in like 1999. Think like peeling the skin off a grape. Very thin injury but still severe due to its location on the body. Cut the skin on the outer lid but not all the way through to the other side. I had a small scar right about where you put eyeliner on until I was in college. Plastic surgeon from childrens hospital did the surgery. The local ER doctor said it was too small of a wound on a child for him to confidently suture up without causing damage/extra scaring (I don’t blame him that’s a delicate operation for sure). Guess the plastic surgeon did a good job cuz at 28 I have no scar. I don’t remember much except the trip to the ER as my mother drove us there by herself while my dad was out at work. Bless her I’m sure it was terrifying not knowing how bad of a cut her dumb 4 yr old had gotten from running on a mopped kitchen floor. My parents explained the surgery to me like: the skin cut and curled up like those old timey window blind screens. Surgeon had to straighten it back out and sew it back hem style. I thought it was cool because I could gross out adults with the story