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"Uh...you did sooooo fucking well!",  Lynn said while she looked down on her. The Miqo'te blinked, tried to  smile but after that she opened her mouth slowly. Her belly was already  full so...she would spit out all the cum in her mouth...but...
the night elf grabbed her chin fast and moved her head down towards hers.

"No...swallow it. Every last drop. You are a good girl right? And  ...good girls don't make any mess...! Show me...that's a  lot...now..close your mouth and swallow it for me", Lynn grinned. Of  course this was a lie but she liked to see how they react. She would not  force her but...

"Ahhhh! Hmmmoffppf!", Y'shtola opened her mouth really wide. She showed  her that her mouth was ...completly filled. After the night elf closed  her mouth slowly her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. The taste inside  her mouth hitted her head like a jackhammer...with every second she  wanted more...now she loved the taste...this strange feeling on her  tounge...while she swirled the cum around.

She swallowed. Slowly, but she did. With every swallow another little  wave of cum pushed down into her already well filled belly. After around  ten big swallows she opened her mouth and showed her that she swallowed  the whole load.

"T...ha..t...was....a...lot...do....you..always...cum this...much?", Y'shtola asked with heavy breaths.

Ferlynn watched closely and after she saw the  "show" Y'shtola gave her she smiled.

Story: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Ferlynn/54579/Visitor-from-another- world/141529/Chapter-0/Visitor-from-another-world




Ok now that's HOT HOT HOT!


<3! I always say ...there is a way to less cum swallowing pictures out there!