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V0.16.0 Is complete! (mostly!)

A bit of work is left to do on the dungeon, but the groundwork's done, so here it is!



-A new dungeon has been added: Forest Ruins

-It's not complete, the boss and later parts have yet to be done, and there's a gathering mechanic and field-change mechanics that still need to be fleshed out and implemented, but the dungeon itself is about halfway complete!

-Immature Tentacle Plants added! (as well as a few other enemies!)

-These feisty tentacle plants love to get a little handsy, and their sap has Aphrodesiac properties! They're unable to perform reproductive activities yet though on account of their growth, but that does make them a bit less dangerous at least...

-Expanded the tutorial with a new messaging system!

-This will do more than just tutorial stuff later, but for now it acts as an expanded tutorial, with the help of Vinyae! It's also not complete, only the first 3 or so days are done.

-This can be disabled in your Comm Options as well

-Added a "Hiding" pose to the main character's portrait images!

-This mostly shows when nude or underwear at high/neutral purity, while not pregnant

-Expressions change based on clothing state!

-Nothing big, just changes the "Neutral" expression to an embarrased one if nude/underwear and pure

-Added artwork for blessing of pleasure, blessing of development, and curse of fertility!

-New artwork for the imp scenes!

-One office in the first floor office wing is now owned by the potions


-New H-Scene- Nurses Aid: Solo Handjob

-Added an autosave feature!

-Expaned save slots to 21, and each morning an autosave is created on said new slot, before class choice is brought up.

-This is not designed to be a main save method, so please make manual saves as well!

-Refined Mana Regen as a stat!

-It now is listed on the stats screened

-Is now gained from attending the corrupt church's group activity as well as from book club

-It now has a cap of 10, instead of 3

-The first 3 levels of mana regen now are easier to reach


-Switched the basic attack key from Z to S, freeing us of the annoying "pew" while gathering on the field!

-Removed the option to save each morning, since it now autosaves each morning.

-Changed default resolution from 1024x900 to 1600x900 to support widescreen (and get rid of the black boxes around the edges!)

-Much of the artwork/scenes/text/maps if I can manage will be repositioned and fixed in the near future as time allows/i rework them (main character bust is in the middle of the screen! Oops...)


-Fixed a bug that tries to subtract a negative number from the nurse's aid ptj if you fail to cure an issue

-Removed debug text accidently left inside nurses aid ptj stuff

-Fixed slowness flask applying the technical skill rather than the true skill, this was preventing it from being used at all...

-Fixed many spells, and many spell-parts, having the wrong element applied

-Misc spelling and grammer fixes

-Fixed Carla's bust images not showing occassionally

-Fixed Field Spells not working! (particularly Brighten...)

Known Issues-

-Need to tweak the imp artwork for pregnancy varients... Or more likely redo it entirely

-Womb curse marks show through arms if hiding pose is active. Looks a bit weird.

-The two new AI types(used for archers and still enemies like tentacle plants) is still a little wonky... They sometimes try to flee directly into your face for archers, or forget to shoot...

-Autosaves do not work unless you have made a manual save on that file first.

-Tentacle Plants: Strange lag/freeze if you alt-tab out of the game during/before bind? It lasts a while, but eventually proceeds?

-Dungeon pacing and design still leaves much to be desired. Will continue working/studying it!

-Shadow/lighting errors will be seen when continuing from an old game. Should fix itself on map change/or next morning.




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